EDGY Conversations

Why Aren't You Successful?

Episode Summary

We are still talking about surprise and delight. This episode will bring you to a more behind-the-scenes of Dan's life. Dan will share how he helped a company who is struggling in hitting their goals. By the end of this episode, you will realize that the idea of surprise and delight is not just about getting discounts or having a cool looking Instagram pics but it's how you live your life, small but significant way. When you are done listening to this episode, please come and visit the EDGY Empire of Awesomeness and share your experiences or struggles in life that hinders you in achieving your goal. We might able to help you.

Episode Notes

We are still talking about surprise and delight. This episode will bring you to a more behind-the-scenes of Dan's life. Dan will share how he helped a company who is struggling in hitting their goals.

By the end of this episode, you will realize that the idea of surprise and delight is not just about getting discounts or having a cool looking Instagram pics but it's how you live your life, small but significant way.

When you are done listening to this episode, please come and visit the EDGY Empire of Awesomeness and share your experiences or struggles in life that hinders you in achieving your goal. We might able to help you.