EDGY Conversations

Boiling Over & Shovel Work

Episode Summary

Finding a room for radical candor is like cooking pasta. As the water begins to boil, as the foam begins to build, as the foam reaches the pot and to spills, you will realize that in order for the goodness to comes out, you have to put the goodness in. You will only be able to deliver value to others when it bubbles out of you, when it bubbles over, when it boils over. If you are looking to be your best self. If you want to meet more awesome people, the come and visit our EDGY Empire of Awesomeness.

Episode Notes

Finding a room for radical candor is like cooking pasta. As the water begins to boil, as the foam begins to build, as the foam reaches the pot and begin to spills, you will realize that in order for the goodness to comes out, you have to put the goodness in.

You will only be able to deliver value to others when it bubbles out of you, when it bubbles over, when it boils over.

If you are looking to be your best self. If you want to meet more awesome people, the come and visit our EDGY Empire of Awesomeness.